Our «Toucan Apartments» has been selected as one of the best residential apartments under £1!
It was a difficult, but at the same time, insanely interesting project. We managed to realize a two-level spacious penthouse from one level. Almost all compositions and elements are designed individually, handmade and from ecological materials. We are very happy that our work was so highly appreciated by SBID - Society of British & International Interior Design.
Please click here to see Toucan Apartments on SBID
Нашу роботу «Toucan Apartments» було відібрано до списку кращих житлових апартаментів вартістю до 1 мільйона £!
This year it is especially gratifying to win at the international level and glorify not only a personal brand, but also Ukraine as a whole. Our design studio received two awards from the world-famous IDA Design awards.
Our work: The Royal Apartment by SKSDESIGN in Kiev, Ukraine was awarded the highest award in the Interior Space and Exhibition Design Category, 2019-2020 at the largest international competition A ’Design Award!
Цього року особливо приємно здобувати перемогу на міжнародному рівні та прославляти не тільки особистий бренд, а й Україну в цілому. Наша дизайн-студія отримала дві нагороди від відомого на весь світ конкурсу дизайну IDA Design awards.
Наша робота: The Royal Apartment by SKSDESIGN in Kiev, Ukraine була удостоєна найвищої нагороди у номінації Interior Space and Exhibition Design Category, 2019-2020 на найбільшому міжнародному конкурсі A’ Design Award!